On Campus Courses
Course Code | Course Name |
MGT2822 | Achieving Exceptional Business Outcomes |
CST6474 | Advanced Internetworking |
MVM5603 | Air Brake Endorsement Training for Drivers |
WOO5571 | A Mahogany Campaign Chest on Stand |
CST6468 | A+ Preparation |
BUS6011 | Accelerated Requirements Elicitation and Analysis |
LAN8201 | Arabic Module 1 |
LAN8202 | Arabic Module 2 |
LAN8203 | Arabic Module 3 |
HRA0028 | Air Handlers, Conversion Burners & Building Systems |
LAN5253 | American Sign Language Level 301 |
DSN5284 | Applied Decor Studio |
TSL0011 | Assessment and Evaluation in Second Language Teaching |
FAM1260 | Assessment, Planning and Practice in Social Service Work |
MTM0011 | Audio Production |
NSG7039 | BScN Clinical Update Course |
MGT2803 | Building a Performance Culture |
BSC5533 | Building Control Systems |
PHO5587 | Basic Digital Photography |
DSN5315 | Basic Drafting Skills |
LIB2035 | Basics of Library Management |
BSC5519 | Building System Fundamentals |
BSC5511 | Building Water Treatment Systems |
BUS6016 | Business Analysis in an Agile Environment |
LIB2020 | Client Services |
MMA0329 | Colour: Practice and Theory |
ENL1881F | Communication for Social Service Workers |
MVM5506 | Car Care |
CST8883 | Certification and Accreditation (C & A)/(SA&A) |
ARV1006 | Classification and Operations |
FOD5109 | Communication/Customer Service |
MKT1206 | Community Development and Advocacy |
NSG5621 | Complex Issues in Critical Care |
NSG6793 | Critical Care Cardiac Management |
NSG5665 | Critical Care Nursing Clinical I |
NSG0070 | Critical Care Nursing Clinical II |
PHO5597 | Composition and Design |
ESL5150 | Conversation Skills |
FAM1263 | Crisis Intervention |
PLU5522 | Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Re-certification |
PLU5511 | Cross Connections and Backflow Prevention |
PSY0031 | Developmental Psychology II |
MSC0080 | Digital Music Composition |
CST2355 | Database Systems |
LIB2021 | Descriptive Cataloguing II |
BUS6017 | Develop a Business Case |
NSG7500 | Enhancing Success for Re-entry Into The Practical Nursing Program |
MMA0248 | Expeditions in Art |
MGT2801 | Effective Interpersonal and Organizational Communication |
LIB2034 | Emerging Library Technologies |
TTA5503 | Engaging Adult Learners with Effective Teaching Strategies |
FIN1201 | Financial Management |
FOD5111 | Food Preparation and Production |
HRA0027 | Forced Warm Air Heating Systems (2F) |
BUS6012 | Facilitation Techniques for Business Analysts |
HLT6810 | Field Placement |
HOS5166 | Field Placement for Sommeliers |
NSG0111 | Foundations of Perinatal Nursing |
FLS1101 | French as a Second Language - Level 1 Intensive |
FLS1102 | French as a Second Language - Level 2 Intensive |
FLS6002 | French as a Second Language Level 2 |
FLS6003 | French as a Second Language Level 3 |
FLS6004 | French as a Second Language Level 4 |
FLS6005 | French as a Second Language Level 5 |
FLS6006 | French as a Second Language Level 6 |
FLS6007 | French as a Second Language Level 7 |
FLS6008 | French as a Second Language Level 8 |
FLS6000 | French as a Second Language-Conversational Skills |
LAN5232F | French as a Second Language Bilingualism Test Readiness Level B (1wk. intensive) |
LAN5234F | French as a Second Language Bilingualism Test Readiness Level C (1wk. intensive) |
FLS6001 | French as a Second Language Level 1 |
FLS1400 | French Bilingualism Test Readiness Level B Oral |
FLS1402 | French Bilingualism Test Readiness Level C Oral |
BUS6010 | Fundamentals of Business Analysis |
MMA0313 | Fundamentals of Drawing |
WOO5573 | Furniture Finishes and Repair |
HOS5027 | Grape Varieties |
HRA6020 | Gas Technician 3A |
HRA6022 | Gas Technician 3C |
FAM1281 | Globalization and Social Welfare |
CST6555 | Help Desk Skills |
NSG6794 | Hemodynamic Monitoring |
HRA0029 | Hydronic Heating Systems |
PSY5216 | Interviewing and Counselling Skills |
ARV1000 | Introduction to Archives and Records Management |
CAD8001 | Introduction to AutoCAD |
ESL5111 | IELTS Preparation |
TSL5253 | Independent Learning Project |
MGT2821 | Inspiring Peak Performance |
CST8110 | Introduction to Computer Programming |
INV3014 | Introduction to Investigation |
MGT6020 | Introduction to Managing Projects |
NSG6779 | Introduction to Operating Room for RPN |
LAN8101 | Italian Module 1 |
NSG0123 | IV Insertion with Blood Withdrawal |
LAN8301 | Japanese Module 1 |
TSL5251 | Language Learning and Culture |
MGT2802 | Leadership Skills |
MGT5193 | Logistics and Transportation |
HLT0160 | Makeup Artistry |
CST2335 | Mobile Graphical Interface Programming |
BUS6013 | Modeling Business Processes and Workflows |
MSC0060 | Music Business Management |
GEN0360 | Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training |
NSG6775 | Nursing Considerations for the Complex Surgical Patient |
FOD5108 | Nutrition - Part 2 |
NSG0114 | Neonatal Nursing |
NSG5622 | Neurological Critical Care |
HOS5164 | New World Wines |
NSG6760 | Operating Room Lab Practice |
CST8102 | Operating System Fundamentals (GNU/Linux) |
CST5380 | Oracle Database Foundations |
CST8284 | Object Oriented Programming (Java) |
ESL0054 | Occupation-Specific Language Training (OSLT) for Health Sciences Sector |
HOS5163 | Old World Wines |
FLS1410 | Oral Government Test Preparation |
ESL0059 | OSLT Writing Professionally |
HRA5524 | Ozone Depletion Prevention |
FAM1129 | Placement I |
FAM1139 | Placement II |
FAM1149 | Placement III |
NSG5629 | Pain and Symptom Management |
NSG0168 | Perioperative Patient Care for RPN |
PHO5552 | Photoshop Beyond the Basics |
FAM1332 | Placement Seminar I |
FAM1333 | Placement Seminar II |
FAM1443 | Placement Seminar III |
TTA5509 | Presentation Skills |
MGT6027 | Procurement and Contract Management |
MGT6026 | Project Implementation and Closure |
MGT6015 | PM: Quality Plan |
PHO5599 | Portfolio Development |
TSL5282 | Practicum II - Teaching English as a Second Language |
MGT6025 | Project Quality Management |
MGT6040 | Project Risk Management |
MGT5192 | Purchasing and Supply Chain Management |
LIB2033 | Reference II: Special Topics |
NSG0170 | Registered Nurse Operating Room Clinical |
MGT6022 | Project Schedule and Cost |
CAD8000 | Revit II |
FOD5110 | Role of the Food Service Worker |
CST6473 | Router Theory and Configuration |
NSG0130 | Registered Practical Nurse Operating Room Clinical |
MGT6039 | Resource, Communications and StakeholderManagement |
CAD8104 | Revit I |
CAD8009 | Solidworks |
HLT0059 | Spa Body Therapy |
LAN8001 | Spanish Module 1 |
LAN8002 | Spanish Module 2 |
LAN8003 | Spanish Module 3 |
LAN8004 | Spanish Module 4 |
FOD5112 | Sanitation and Safety (For the Food Service Worker) |
MVM5504 | Small Engines |
FAM1382 | Social Service Worker Ethics |
TTA5501 | Teaching Adults: Getting Started |
TSL5261 | Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language to Young Learners |
TSL5256 | Teaching Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation |
TTA5506 | Teaching Practicum |
HOS0032 | The Urban Beekeeper |
HOS5158 | Theories of Wine and Food Pairing |
BUS6014 | Use Case Modeling |
MTM0010 | Video Composition |
HOS5148 | Vinification |
BUS6015 | Validating and Testing Requirements |
NSG0128 | Venipuncture for Blood Collection |
MSC0076 | Video and Sound Production Basics |
WOO5502 | Woodworking I |
WOO5503 | Woodworking II |
WOO5577 | Woodworking III |
HLT0062 | Waxing |
HOS5169 | Whiskies of the World |
HOS5162 | Wine Tasting |
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